Prime Focus FTP System

This system allows for the management of an FTP system via a web-based interface. This integration allows for the management of FTP users and groups all through the browser, in such a way that one user of the system is able to log in via the web interface or FTP and access multiple project sections based on a complex permission model.
Part of the file management also allows for videos of various formats to have web-friendly copies transcoded into Flash Video, from which JPEG thumbnails are created at various intervals, allowing for a representative thumbnail to be set for each clip. All of this functionality is obtained through PHP communicating with BASH scripts.
Email tracking is a large part of this system, and administrators can track what emails were sent, and whether they were read or not. This is important, as almost all of the user notifications will be handled via email correspondence.
This system relies on the Linux platform, as Windows would be far too slow with the transcoding, and has far greater memory overheads. Also, much of the functionality the system gives with regards to FTP users is easier to integrate with at a system level than it would be on the Windows platform.
Skills Used
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